티스토리 뷰


찰리와 초콜릿공장 영어 대본




Expounder : This is a story of an ordinary little boy...named Charlie Bucket. He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children. His family was not rich or powerful or well connected. In fact, they barely had enough to eat. Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world. He just didn't know it yet.


Mr. Bucket : Evening, Buckets.


Joe : Evening.


Charlie : Hi, Dad.


Mrs. Bucket : Soup's almost ready, darling. Don't suppose there's

anything extra to put in?, love. Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage.


Mr. Bucket : Charlie......I found something I think you'll like.


Expounder : Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory. The hours were long, and the pay was terrible, yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises.


Charlie : It' s exactly what I need.


Joe : What is it, Charlie?


Charlie : Dad found it, just the piece I needed.


Joe : What piece was it?


Charlie : A head for Willy Wonka.


Josephin : Well, how wonderful.


Joe : It's quite a likeness.


Charlie : You think so?


Joe : Think so? I know so. I saw Willy Wonka with my own two

eyes. I used to work for him, you know.


Charlie : You did?


Joe : I did.


Josephin : He did.


George : He did.


Georgina : I love grapes.


Joe : Of course, I was a much younger man in those days


Expounder : Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street. But the whole world wanted his candy.


Joe : Mr. Wonka.


Willy Wonka : Yeah?


Joe : We need more Wonka bars...and we're out of chocolate birds.


Willy Wonka : Birds? Birds. Well, then we'll need to make some

more. Here. Now open.


Joe : The man was a genius. Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream...so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer? You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it won't go runny.


Charlie : But that's impossible.


Joe : But Willy Wonka did it. Before long...he decided to build a proper chocolate factory. The largest chocolate factory in history. Fifty times as big as any other.


Charlie : Grandpa, don't make it gross.


Josephin : Tell him about the lndian prince. He'd like to hear about that.


Joe : You mean, Prince Pondicherry? Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka... and asked him to come all the way out to lndia...and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.


Willy Wonka : It will have one hundred rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate.



Joe : True to his word, the bricks were chocolate...and the cement holding them together was chocolate. All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well. So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture.


Pondicherry : It is perfect in every way.


Willy Wonka : Yeah, but it won't last long. You better start eating right now.


Pondicherry : Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace. I intend to live in it.


Joe : But Mr. Wonka was right, of course. Soon after this, there

came a very hot day with a boiling sun. The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace...but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own. All the other chocolate makers, you see, had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka. They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes.

Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt. Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor. Then Slugworth began making candy balloons...that you could blow up to incredible sizes. The thievery got so bad... that one day, without warning... Mr.Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home. He announced that he was closing his chocolate factory forever.


Willy Wonka : I'm closing my chocolate factory forever. I'm sorry.


Charlie : But it didn't close forever. It's open right now.


Mrs. Bucket : Yes, well, sometimes when grownups say "forever," they mean "a very long time."


George : Such as, " I feel like I've eaten nothing but cabbage soup forever."


Mr. Bucket : Now, Pops.


Josephin : The factory did close, Charlie.


Joe : And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever. Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys. The factory was back in business.


Charlie : Did you get your job back?


Joe : No. No one did.


Charlie : But there must be people working there.


Josephin : Think about it, Charlie. Have you ever seen a single person...going into that factory or coming out of it?


Charlie : No. The gates are always closed.



찰리와초콜릿공장 영어대본



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