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Gillmore girs Script

길모어걸스 시즌1 영어/ 한글 대본

시즌1 영어대본.zip
시즌1 한글자막.zip

길모어걸스 시즌2 영어/ 한글 대본

gilmoregirls-season2 (1).zip
시즌2 전체 한글자막.zip

길모어걸스 시즌3 영어/ 한글 대본

시즌3 전체 한글자막.zip

길모어걸스 시즌4 영어/ 한글 대본

시즌4 전체 한글자막.zip

길모어걸스 시즌5 영어/ 한글 대본

길모어걸스 시즌5 영어자막.zip
시즌5 전체 한글자막.zip

길모어걸스 시즌6 영어/ 한글 대본

시즌6 영어자막.zip
시즌6 전체 한글자막.zip

길모어걸스 시즌7 영어/ 한글 대본

시즌7 전체 영어자막.zip
시즌7 전체 한글자막.zip



(Lorelai, Rory, and Emily Gilmore are sitting around the dinner table.)

LORELAI: So where'd you say Dad was?

EMILY: Away on business.

LORELAI: Location's top secret?

EMILY: Oh, Germany.

LORELAI: Germany. Is Dad's firm insuring Nazis now?

EMILY: Your father doesn't know any Nazis.

LORELAI: I know, Mom. I was just --

EMILY: What?

RORY: Joking. She was joking.

EMILY: Oh. Hard to tell.

LORELAI: Yeah, well.

EMILY: Oh, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Claudia died.


EMILY: Claudia. Your cousin Claudia. (Lorelai stares.) Claudia!

LORELAI: I'm hearing the name, Mom. I have no idea who that is.

EMILY: Claudia's your cousin, for all intents and purposes.

LORELAI: Oh, now we're getting to it.

EMILY: She was your father's grandmother's sister's girl. So to you, that would make her --

LORELAI: Nothing?

EMILY: Regardless the funeral's on Thursday. I thought we'd all go together.

LORELAI: Ooh, whoa. Two problems. Impossible to get away from the inn Thursday. Two, I've never met this woman.

EMILY: You most certainly have.


EMILY: Several times.

LORELAI: I'll take one.

EMILY: We went to her house in Groton to see the first moon landing. She'd just gotten a new Philco.

LORELAI: I have no memory of this whatsoever.

EMILY: Rory, correct me if I'm wrong, but men have walked on the moon regardless of whether your mother remembers it or not.

RORY: That's the rumor.

LORELAI: I know men have walked on the moon. I just don't know Claudia.

EMILY: So you're not going?

LORELAI: Not this time.

EMILY: I don't think Claudia's planning to die a second time.

LORELAI: Mom, I couldn't go if I wanted to.

EMILY: Fine. (pauses) Oh wait -- Rudolph Gottfried.

LORELAI: Another cousin?

EMILY: No, a Nazi that we knew. I'd forgotten. We stayed with him once in Munich. Nice old man. Interesting stories.

LORELAI: Mom you socialized with a Nazi? That's despicable! That's heinous!

EMILY: No, dear, that was a joke.

(Rory laughs.)

(Cut to Lorelai's kitchen. It is morning and Lorelai is seated at the table drinking coffee. Rory walks into the kitchen and closes her bedroom door on loud music.)

LORELAI: Hey. I have an idea for a new reality show. How about everyone just looks out their freakin' kitchen window for a change?

RORY: Ooh. She's cranky this morning.

LORELAI: Let's just say the world has a formidable opponent.

RORY: Wait -- shouldn't you be baking?

LORELAI: I don't know. Shouldn't you be knitting?

RORY: Mom! The Chilton bake sale is today!

LORELAI: I know. I got it covered.

RORY: They expect the things to be homemade.

LORELAI: I know.

RORY: By someone other than Dolly Madison.

LORELAI: I said I have it covered.

RORY: All of the parents pitch in so this is really really important. You know that, right?

LORELAI: No, I didn't know that. In that case I don't have it covered. I have it covered! Get your stuff and hit the stereo -- we're late.

RORY: (softly) It's not me.

(Rory opens her door and we see Lane dancing in the room.)

LORELAI: (to Lane) Where does your mother think you are?

(Lane turns off the music.)

LANE: Oh, on a park bench contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas.

LORELAI: Not here, skanking to Rancid?

LANE: Wouldn't be included.

LORELAI: School!

(Cut to exterior of the house. Lane, Lorelai, and Rory walk down the front steps and start to cross the yard. Lane waves as she runs off.)

LANE: Bye.

RORY: Bye.

(Babette and Morey walk by. Morey is pulling a wagon with Cinnamon -- their cat --inside. The wagon has a covering like a baby carriage.)

RORY: Wow, Cinnamon, riding in style.

BABETTE: Yeah, Morey made it. Cinnamon's not walking good these days but she still likes her passeggiatas. That's Italian for 'a nice walk.'

MOREY: (with an accent) Passeggiata.

BABETTE: Oh God, he makes it sound so sexy.

MOREY: Come on.

LORELAI: (points to the covered area) What's that?

BABETTE: Oh it's Cinnamon's private area. Sometimes she likes to be alone. She's just like Morey in that sense. (to Morey) Hey, say passaggiata again.

MOREY: I can't do it on command, Babs.

BABETTE: Oh, he's blushin'. God, I love a man that blushes!

(BABETTE and MOREY walk away, pulling the wagon.)

RORY: Okay, our town is just weird.

LORELAI: Thank God.

RORY: Bye.


RORY: I'll see you later at school.

LORELAI: For what?

RORY: Mom, the bake sale!

LORELAI: Ha! I got the vein in the forehead. Whoo!

RORY: Sadist.

(Cut to a busy street. People are walking by on the sidewalk. Rory is sitting on a bench. A bus pulls around the corner and stops in front of her. Dean is walking down the street and sees Rory get on the bus. He gets on and sits behind her. Rory opens her book and beings to read. She doesn't notice him.)

DEAN: Hey.

RORY: Aah! Morning.

DEAN: Good book?

RORY: I don't know yet.

DEAN: I saw you standing in line so I thought I'd say hello. (pause) Hello?

RORY: Hello.

DEAN: Oh, hey, uh, thanks for helping me get the job at the store. I mean it's not a career or anything but it's got me solvent.

RORY: Solvent's good.

DEAN: Yeah, uh, are you always this serious?


DEAN: So, uh, how long does it take you to get to school?

RORY: Um...forty minutes if the bus driver's focused but longer if he's trying to win something on the radio. Hey, this bus is going to Hartford!

DEAN: Yeah, I know.

RORY: But you go to school here. You have to get off the bus! (calls to driver) Hey, he has to get off the bus!

DEAN: Wait. You're forgetting something.

(Bus stops.)

DEAN: Buses make stops. Good-bye Lorelai Gilmore.

(Dean gets off the bus.)

(Cut to the inn where Michel is on the phone.)

MICHEL: Independence Inn, Michel speaking. Yes, you are confirmed. Mm-hmm. Goodbye.

(Michel hangs up the phone as a group of businessmen approach the counter.)

MAN: Bonjour Monsieur. Vous êtes francais? Vous parlez francais?

MICHEL: No, sorry.

MAN: Parlez vous fracais?

MICHEL: Sir, I'm just a simple country boy from Texas. I do not understand this francais business you're babbling about.


(Lorelai pulls Michel aside.)

LORELAI: He knows you're not from Texas.

MICHEL: Smile when you say that.

LORELAI: Michel, I told you there was going to be a French group here for a couple of days and it is your job to keep them happy.

MICHEL: Lorelai, I don't know how many French people you've met over the years, but most of them are insufferable.

LORELAI: Really?

MICHEL: Mm-hm. That is why I left France.

LORELAI: Huh. I thought it had something to do with the torches and the villagers. Michel, talk to them.

MICHEL: Never. (pause) You are giving me that look aren't you? Your patented, "Do it or something unspeakable shall befall you" look. (sighs) Fine. I shall be French but I shall not be happy.

LORELAI: Then you will be yourself. Good choice.

(Michel goes back to the French group.)

MICHEL: Bonjour messieurs. Je m'appelle Miche. Ce soir pour vous aider.

MAN: (laughs) Vous avez faîtt un blague. Très drole! Très drole Michel!

MICHEL: (to Lorelai) Kill me now.

(Cut to the bake sale at Chilton.)

SOOKIE: OK-- we've got our French fantasies, American treats, and our Italian taste sensations. Well, what do you think?

RORY: Amazing.

LORELAI: Incredible.

SOOKIE: It is good, isn't it? Well, final touch.

(Sookie prepares to light a swan-shaped dessert on fire.)

RORY: Oh, can I do that?

SOOKIE: Whoa, honey, this is a more delicate procedure than you might think, OK?


SOOKIE: It takes an expert hand.


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[영어 공부 자료/프렌즈 자료] - 프렌즈 시즌2-01 한영대본


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